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Blogs from June 2023

What Do You Actually Know about Heat Stroke? 7 True/False Questions

girl in sunflare

girl in sunflare

No doubt, Florida is sultry in the summer. The air is often heavy with moisture, and the more humid it is, the more uncomfortable we feel.

Why is it that when the heat and humidity rise, we feel worse?

What do you actually know about the effects of heat on your body? (You’ve heard of heat stroke, right?)

Here are five True/False questions to help you stay cool this summer.

ONE: True or False:

Heat Stroke rarely requires hospitalization.

TWO: True or False:

You can suffer heat stroke without exposure to direct sunlight.

THREE: True or False:

Heat stroke occurs when the body temperature rises above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

FOUR: True or False:

The best clothes to wear while exercising in a hot, humid climate like Florida’s are made of cotton fabric.

FIVE: True or False:

Heat can drastically affect your body by causing all of these symptoms: rapid heartbeat, confusion, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and broken bones.

SIX: True or False:

You can have heat stroke without sweating.

SEVEN: True or False:

The ability to sweat is how you stay cool.



Heat stroke is very serious, resulting in numerous symptoms. It can lead to seizures and death.

  • 67,512 people in the United States go to Emergency Rooms every year because of heat stroke.
  • 9235 are admitted to the hospital because of heat stroke.
  • 702 people die of heat-related illnesses.


You do not have to have direct exposure to sunlight to suffer heat stroke.

Any enclosed space without adequate air circulation can result in high temperatures. Think of a car parked in a hot garage in the summer or an older building without air conditioning or open windows. In these situations, the temperature can rise significantly, leading to heat buildup and the potential for heat stroke.

Sadly, every year 38 children die from being left in a hot car, and hundreds of pets die the same way. They suffer heat stroke without being in direct sunlight.


While it’s best to keep our bodies within the normal range of adult body temperatures, between 97-99 degrees Fahrenheit, body temps can rise while fighting infection, exercising, or being in the sun. Heat stroke occurs when the body temperature reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit.


If you want to exercise outside in Florida during the warm weather, the best workout wardrobe is NOT made of cotton. Cotton actually holds moisture and keeps your skin from being able to evaporate sweat. Exercise garb should be made of fabrics that wick the sweat away from your body, usually polyester or nylon, not cotton.


Heat stroke can cause rapid heartbeat, confusion, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance. However, it has not been linked to an increase in broken bones.


Victims of heat stroke have been dehydrated and can no longer perspire, causing them to have dry, red skin, not wet from sweat.


It is not the ability to SWEAT that keeps us cool. It’s the ability of that sweat to be EVAPORATED from our body that keeps our body temperature under control. When it is humid, it is harder for the perspiration on our skin to be evaporated into an already moisture-soaked atmosphere.

Studies have shown that athletes suffer more fatigue when humidity reaches 60%.

In Florida, the AVERAGE humidity rate is 74%!

The Good News and Correct Answer

It doesn’t matter how many of these 7 questions you got right. Now you know more about the dangerous and dramatic effects that heat can have on your body.

The only thing you need to know is that the best way to stay cool in the hot, humid Florida climate is to call ServiceOne Air Conditioning and Plumbing.

We can help you cool your home or your business. We can service existing equipment, repair failing equipment, or give you a quote on replacing a worn-out unit with efficient, affordable options.

Call us. We know that staying cool matters!


Most Recent Posts from June, 2023